Thursday, February 21, 2008

Meditation in Our Daily Life

Nowadays, meditation has already became our reguler activities, especially for most people who live in Big cities.

What is it all about exactly ? It used to be linked with religious matter, but now it seems to be like a must ritual. Why ? Since everything in the world is changing very fast, people get more stress. Meditation is a best tool to reduce that stress, but it`s just one of much more advantages of doing meditation.

So Friends, Ini bukan lagi tentang kegiatan keagamaan tertentu tapi ini lebih kepada ritual spiritual, karena manusia sejatinya bukan makhluk fisik yang sedang mencari pengalaman spiritual tapi makhluk spiritual yang sedang menjalani pengalaman sebagai manusia.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spritual beings having a human experience.

We are not this body, we are soul and light. Kita yang asli bukanlah tubuh ini tapi jiwa dan cahaya.